
Your Raynal account

Create or log in to your Raynal account to save your wish lists and keep track of the orders you have made on our E-Boutique.

Loyalty program

Discover our exclusive loyalty program on the website of your jewellery Raynal. 


How to benefit from the Raynal loyalty program? 

To benefit from the exclusive advantages of our loyalty program, register for free by creating your account on our website. If you already have an account with us, you are automatically enrolled in the program.


How do I collect points? 

Collect loyalty points by making purchases on the website.


Where can I check my benefits and rewards history?

You can consult your benefits and your history of rewards received and used in the "My account" section of our website.


How do I use my rewards?

To redeem your rewards, start by logging into your account. Add products to your basket and use your available rewards at checkout. Rewards not used as a discount on a purchase will be kept in your account for future use. 


Raynal loyalty program information 

How the loyalty program works, for 1€ spent = 0.05 points accumulated.  

Your rewards are valid for 1 year and cannot be used for the following brands:  Rolex, Tudor, Boucheron, Breitling, Buccellati, Bulgari, Cartier, Hermès, Hublot, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Ole Lynggaard, OMEGA, Panerai, Raynal, Repossi and Tag Heuer.